When Day and Dream Unite

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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

Sunday, January 30, 2005

What I'm listening to - Marillion

I picked up the new cd by Marillion today, it's entitled 'Marbles'. They started as the group Electric Gypsy in 79. Two of the members formed Silmarillion later that year, then renamed themselves Marillion in 80. The lineup has changed several times, but has been the same 5 guys since 89. They are from the UK and if it weren't for two of the guys apperaing onstage with Dream Theater on their 'Once in a Livetime' DVD, I would have probably never heard of them. It's hard to describe the music, pretty mello, and lyrically driven, but if you go to their website you can check out samples from the new album as well as their older stuff. Worth a listen for sure.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Snowbound Castaway

Well with all the snow, it's been a great night to stay in and watch some DVD's. Tonight was a marathon of Gilligan's Island Season 2. I'm on the second disk, but have already seen many classic episodes, including:
Gilligan's Mother-in-Law - Say "I do," Little Buddy! Two natives from another island seek a mate for their ultra-rotund daughter.
Hi-Fi Gilligan- Don't touch that dial, er, molar! A fluke accident turns the fillings in Gilligan's mouth into radio receivers.
Mine Hero- Gilligan reels in a whopper. Unfortunately it's a WW II mine - and it may blow at any moment.
Plus many more. Now I can't wait for season three, their final season. Can anyone say 'giant spider'?

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Fantastic Four

Woohoo! Here it is. The trailer is online here. I am so excited about this one. The First Family of Comics finally coming to the big screen.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Here is the poster for Willy Wonka. If you go to the movie page you can see the trailer. If anyone besides Burton and Depp were doing this I wouldn't have given it a second look. But after viewing the trailer, I am quite impressed and excited.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Batman Begins

Check out the Batman Begins Official Site. Very cool movie posters, pictures, and a high quality full screen trailer.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

The Knight of the Light

by Richard J Nauertz

His armor bright gleaming,
A sword of pure light.
A ray of protection,
In the darkest of night.

His god, the protector,
To whom he answered the call.
He scorns the thief,
But would die to save them all.

Passions blazing within,
Temper a will of iron with fire.
Fulfilling his quest,
Becomes his only desire.

’Til the battle is won,
When light eternal has dawned
The world rages with war.
The paladin battles on.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Star Wars in Vanity Fair

For the last couple of movies, Vanity Fair has had a Star Wars issue, with a cool cover to boot. Well, it's that time again. This time, however, actors and characters from ALL the movies are featured. Check out the link here for a bigger version and info on the article.

Superman Movie News

Bosworth & Spacey Confirmed for Superman!
Source: The Hollywood Reporter, Variety
January 6, 2005
The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Kate Bosworth is in talks to play Lois Lane, and Kevin Spacey is set to play the superhero's nemesis Lex Luthor in Bryan Singer's Superman for Warner Bros. Pictures.The comic book movie would reunite the two actors, who currently appear in Spacey's "Beyond the Sea" as Sandra Dee and Bobby Darin. The casting of Lane was a long process that ultimately rested on a chemistry test between the actress and Brandon Routh, who is playing Superman, says the trade. Bosworth reportedly beat out the likes of Claire Danes, Linda Cardellini, and Michelle Monaghan.Spacey, who is in rehearsals for "National Anthems" at the Old Vic, will do a limited run of "The Philadelphia Story" at the theater before moving to the Superman movie, which has a March 3 start date at Fox Studios Sydney. Singer also told Variety that he and his writers chose a track that falls somewhere between the original film and the successful series Smallville."It's a little like 'X-Men,' where the mutants existed when the movie began," Singer said. "It's not an origin story; I didn't want to remake what Richard Donner did so well in the original, and didn't want to tread on the great work they're doing on 'Smallville.' He's already part of the culture; he has left the planet. This is the story of his return."

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Favorite Lyrics Part 1 - Dream Theater

I know this post is long, but it is a LONG song. Here is one of my favorite songs of all time:
[I. The Crimson Sunrise][Instrumental]
[II. Innocence] I remember a time My frail, virgin mind Watched the crimson sunrise Imagined what it might find Life was filled with wonder I felt the warm wind blow I must explore the boundaries Transcend the depth of winter's snow Innocence caressing me I never felt so young before There was so much life in me Still I longed to search for more But those days are gone now Changed like a leaf on a tree Blown away forever Into the cool autumn breeze The snow has now fallen And my sun's not so bright I struggle to hold on With the last of my might In my den of inequity Viciousness and subtlety Struggle to ease the pain Struggle to find the same Ignorance surrounding me I've never been so filled with fear All my life's been drained from me The end is drawing near...
[III. Carpe Diem] "Carpe diem Seize the day" I'll always remember The chill of November The news of the fall The sounds in the hall The clock on the wall Ticking away "Seize the Day" I heard him say Life will not always be this way Look around Hear the sounds Cherish your life While you're still around ("Gather ye rosebuds while ye may) (Old Time is still a-flying;) (And this same flower that smiles today) (Tomorrow will be dying") We can learn From the past But those days Are gone We can hope For the future But there might not be one The words stuck in my mind Alive from what I've learned I have to seize the day To home I returned Preparing for her flight I held with all my might Fearing my deepest fright She walked into the night She turned for one last look She looked me in the eye I said, "I Love You... Good-bye" ("It's the most awful thing you'll ever hear") ("If you're lying to me...") ("Oh, you dearly love her") ("...just have to leave...) (All our lives") ("Seize the day!") ("Something happened") ("Gather ye rosebuds while ye may") ("She was killed")
[IV. The Darkest Of Winters][Instrumental]
[V. Another World] So far or so it seems All is lost With nothing fulfilled Off the pages and the T.V. screen Another world Where nothing's true Tripping through The life fantastic Lose a step And never get up Left alone With a cold blank stare I feel like giving up I was blinded by a paradise Utopia high in the sky A dream that only drowned me Deep in sorrow, wondering why Oh come let us adore him Abuse and then ignore him No matter what Don't let him be Let's feed upon his misery Then string him up for all the world to see I'm sick of all Your hypocrites Holding me at bay And I don't need Your sympathy To get me through the day Seasons change and so can I Hold on Boy No time to cry Untie these strings I'm climbing down I won't let them push me away Oh come let us adore him Abuse and then ignore him No matter what Don't let him be Let's feed upon His misery Now it's time for them To deal with me
[VI. The Inevitable Summer] [Instrumental]
[VII. The Crimson Sunset] I'm much wiser now A lifetime of memories Run though my head They taught me how For better or worse Alive or dead I realize There's no turning back Life goes on The offbeaten track I sit down with my son Set to see the Crimson Sunset (Gather ye rosebuds while ye may) Many years have come and gone I've lived my life, but now must move on (Gather ye rosebuds while ye may) He's my only one Now that my time has come Now that my life is done We look into the sun "Seize the day And don't you cry Now it's time To say good-bye Even though I'll be gone I will live on Live on"
The song is about Mike Portnoy's mother, and was his way of dealing with her death.

Blogging the Blog

Greetings everyone. Welcome to my attempt at a Blog. I intend to share some of my own work, as well as favorite lyrics, movie review, and thoughts on the world as a whole. I hope you all enjoy it.