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Friday, January 21, 2005

Snowbound Castaway

Well with all the snow, it's been a great night to stay in and watch some DVD's. Tonight was a marathon of Gilligan's Island Season 2. I'm on the second disk, but have already seen many classic episodes, including:
Gilligan's Mother-in-Law - Say "I do," Little Buddy! Two natives from another island seek a mate for their ultra-rotund daughter.
Hi-Fi Gilligan- Don't touch that dial, er, molar! A fluke accident turns the fillings in Gilligan's mouth into radio receivers.
Mine Hero- Gilligan reels in a whopper. Unfortunately it's a WW II mine - and it may blow at any moment.
Plus many more. Now I can't wait for season three, their final season. Can anyone say 'giant spider'?


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