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Thursday, February 10, 2005

Look at my Asteroid

Just read a very cool, and scary article about an asteroid heading towards earth. It will come so close that it will be visible to the naked eye. It will look like a fast moving star in the night sky, and will only be visible in Europe, Africa, and western Asia. It will come within 22,600 mile of the Earth, and after several observations of it, they have determined that we are in no danger of being hit. The article can be found here.


Blogger Ang said...

that's pretty darn amazing. I just might have to get a plane ticket over yonder to see that. wow. do you see the odds on that thing .. like it happnes once every thousand years or so. amazing :)
hey thanks for the previous blog, i was taken aback to see my name :) and my agency claims its a commercial, so i dont know whats up with that. the one i'm doing on tuesday is for sherwin williams...definitely an industrial. i'm in the middle of a 20 page memorization party at the moment.
how are you? how was/is your weekend?
you want to go see the asteroid with me?

6:41 PM  

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